Dec 1, 2008


Thanksgiving was awesome this year. Kinda crazy, with the going to both families, but we wouldn't ever do it any different. First, we went to Brad's families, then to my parents. It was an awesome day with as you can see LOTS of good food, and even better company!

Brad was doing his yearly tradition of making the mashed potatoes:)

Stan was very proud of the turkey, it was the first year he'd done it all by himself

Here's Lexie, waiting patiently for dinner to start

Here's Kristie, I'm SO excited, only like another month till the baby's due:)

Julie and Stan's sister Megan

Playing a game after dinner. Stan, Anika, Bryce, and Brad

Yuck, I hate this picture of me, but it's the only one of me all day:)

Here's all the food at my parents. The sad thing is, is this was taken AFTER we ate

Here's some of the boys- they were upset with me that I made them stop wrestling to take a picture:) This is my brother Danny, 2 of my nephews Ryan and Ben, and of course Brad:)

My dad sleeping after we'd all eaten:)

My mom, and one of my neices Maddie

Rachael and Matt

Bekka and Jon

Here's Leah and my cute nephew Sam.


Angela Shaw said...

wow! that's alot of Thanksgiving! looks fun!

Kristie V said...

I am glad you took pictures, I think I took a couple. I am forgetting every thing these days :D And don't be a hater you are beautiful and so is your pic!!!