Jan 19, 2009

The car show:)

This last weekend Brad and I went to the auto show. We've gone the last few years, so when Brad called and said he wanted to go, I was really excited. We had been there for about fifteen minites, and we looked up and saw Brad's cousin Mike and his wife Ashlie. We absolutely love those two and always have a lot of fun when we are together. After we left the car show, we went to Jamba Juice, then went back to our house and played games and just hung out. It was such a fun night!!!

I absolutely love Ashlie. I've never met anyone that is more like me then her. It's so funny- we have almost the exact same personality, we love the same tv shows and movies, we like the same foods,etc... We always just have a lot of fun together:)

This right here is my dream car! A lexus ISF, oh I want one:) In this exact color too

Mike and Ashlie

Brad and Mike

Jan 17, 2009

Bailee Renee is here!!!

She's here! Bailee is so precious, and we are so greatful for her already!!! Kristie went to the hospital around 7:30 Thursday night, and around midnight I joined everyone at the hospital. It was like a party in her room! I was greatful I had the opportunity to be there. Brad was really bummed cuz he had to work the next morning, but he was able to come Friday morning before Kristie had the baby and see her. Over all, it was such an amazing experience. I'm so greatful I was there to see that precious life come into this world. Mike and Kristie are going to be such amazing parents.

Mom waiting anxiously!!!

She's almost here!

She's here:) She was born at 12:36, and weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces

On the way home from the hospital, Brad kept saying that he couldn't believe his baby sister had just had a baby. It was cute:)

They had just barely brought Kristie uo to her new room, from the delivery room

Here's Mike in the nursery with Bailee

Anika was so excited to see her sister for the first time:)

Here's the boys

This is shortly after they brought Bailee to Kristie for the first time:)

The day after she was born Brad went to the hospital to visit and get lots of pictures for me. I unfortunatly was home with the stomach flu:( I was so sad I wasn't able to go and see her.

Look how good Kristie looks for just having a baby the day before!

This is one of my favorite pictures of her so far. She is so precious!

A few days after she was born, we went and visited at their house.

Love this one

I love this one, look how content they both are:)

Me and the girls!

Jan 11, 2009

Our goofy kids

We love our cute kids! Obviously we look forward to the time that we'll have kids, but for now- we are greatful to have Max and Lexie! They both are very loving, and have fun personalities!

I love this picture, it's so cute:)

Max loves to lay in the sink, and the bathtub

Brad dressed Lexie up in his work clothes- she is surprisingly patient:)

Jan 8, 2009

New Years Eve!

Our traditional new years eve party was at our house this year! We had so much fun! We went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. I'm SO glad we called ahead! Apparently we weren't the only ones that decided not to cook for new years eve. We couldn't even walk in the door!:) After dinner we went back to our house and just played games and hung out. It was awesome! We have all hung out basically since high school, so I think it's so cool how close we all still are! I don't know what I'd do without these guys!

Angie and Kailee:)

Sarah and Candice

Savannah and Andrew

Can you tell how much fun we all have together?

For those of you who don't know Andrew, here he is in a nutshsell:)

Angie and Becky!

Here's classic Can and Jacob:)

Here's Jordyn, she's adoreable!

Kailee had fun chasing Lexie around all night!

I love this picture:)

Angie and Jacob

Angie's little girl Kailee is so cute! We had fun watching her and Becky and Andrew's daughter all night:)