Jan 3, 2009

Dancing with the stars

For those of you who know me well, you know I am a HUGE reality tv addict. My sweetheart of a husband surprised me and got me tickets to dancing with the stars for Christmas. We had so much fun. It was one of those experiences I'll never forget. It was so cool to see it live! I spent the day shopping for a new skirt, because I had heard we were supposed to dress up. We went to Jonny Carinos for dinner, and then headed to the E Center. We got there and everyone was in jeans. Aaah, O well:) It was fun to get dressed up and spend time with my hubby. Thanks babe for an amazing night!!!

Tony Braxton sang three different songs, so it felt like a mini concert too! So cool!:)


Carolyn and Mark said...

That was so nice. I would love to see that show live, I bet it was a blast. What a great gift, he knows you well. Hey the bachelor is on today do you watch that? I love that show, I watch it every season and this one looks so good!