Aug 18, 2008

Anika's back!!!

We love you Anika!!!

Kristie and Anika

Brad and I

I had to throw this one in! Look at Kristie's belly! Yea, I'm so excited!

Anika and her daddy

Brad and Julie waiting for her to arrive!

Anika spent the summer with her mom, but she starts school next week so she's back! It's crazy, she was only gone for a few months, but she seems so grown up! I've missed her smile, her hugs, and her constant singing:) I love you Anika, we're so happy you're home!


We love him so much!!!

Look at those big brown eyes:)

My sister reads to Sam every night, so my mom was reading to him before he went to bed:)

My sister Leah has diabetes and MS, so they weren't able to have their own kids. About 4 1/2 months ago, they adopted Sam. He has been such a blessing in all of our lives, but especially Leah and Taylor's. We all love him so much, he has such a fun little personality, and he loves to smile and laugh. Leah and Taylor went on the pioneer trek with their ward, so my mom got to babysit for a few days! I went over one of the days to spend the day with them. Here's a few of the pictures:) We love you Sam!!!

Aug 10, 2008

I've Been Tagged
Four random things I like about my husband 1. He makes me laugh! 2. He loves the 49ers so much that he has his own full size helmet:) 3. He is good at everything he does. 4. He loves me, despite all my many flaws:)

Four jobs I’ve had: 1. I worked at a daycare center called small world 2. Jamba Juice 3. First Steps( another daycare) 4. Worked as a teacher's aid at an elementary school

Four movies I have watched more than once: 1. Phantom of the opera 2. Hancock 3. Titanic 4. Dumb and dumber

Four TV shows I watch: 1. American Idol 2. Days of our lives:) 3. Dancing with the stars 4. Friends

Four places I have been: 1. Hawaii 2. Canada 3. Seattle 4. Florida

Four places I would like to visit: 1. Italy 2. SanDiego 3. China 4. All the rest of Europe:)

Four things I am looking forward to in the coming year: 1. Hopefully getting pregnant 2. Becoming an aunt again!:) 3. Christmas( favorite time of year) 4. Our 5 year anniversary
Four People I tag: 1. Angie 2. Savannah 3. Sarah 4. Angela

Aug 6, 2008

4 years!

Today is Brad and I's anniversary. I wanted to tell everyone, but especially Brad how much I love him:) He's everything I have ever wanted and much more! The last 4 years have been amazing. It's fun to beable to grow together, and become better people because of eachother. I love waking up next to my best friend, and just having the chance to be his wife. Brad is honestly the hardest worker I have ever known. He has so many qualities that I admire, and that I love. Thanks honey for the last 4 years, here's looking forward to many, many more!

Aug 1, 2008

These were actually taken forever ago, but I thought they would be fun to post. We wanted to put together some collages for Brad's mom's birthday, so the 6 of us went to memory grove and hollywood connection and had all sorts of fun:)