Aug 10, 2008

I've Been Tagged
Four random things I like about my husband 1. He makes me laugh! 2. He loves the 49ers so much that he has his own full size helmet:) 3. He is good at everything he does. 4. He loves me, despite all my many flaws:)

Four jobs I’ve had: 1. I worked at a daycare center called small world 2. Jamba Juice 3. First Steps( another daycare) 4. Worked as a teacher's aid at an elementary school

Four movies I have watched more than once: 1. Phantom of the opera 2. Hancock 3. Titanic 4. Dumb and dumber

Four TV shows I watch: 1. American Idol 2. Days of our lives:) 3. Dancing with the stars 4. Friends

Four places I have been: 1. Hawaii 2. Canada 3. Seattle 4. Florida

Four places I would like to visit: 1. Italy 2. SanDiego 3. China 4. All the rest of Europe:)

Four things I am looking forward to in the coming year: 1. Hopefully getting pregnant 2. Becoming an aunt again!:) 3. Christmas( favorite time of year) 4. Our 5 year anniversary
Four People I tag: 1. Angie 2. Savannah 3. Sarah 4. Angela


Kristie V said...


Kristie V said...

I hope you are feeling better today! We missed you yesterday!