Mar 2, 2009

Baby Max is here!!!

Max Taylor Hennessy was born on February 23. He weighed 7 pounds and 7 ounces. What a blessing he is!!! I think I've blogged about this before, but my sister has M.S. and Diabetes, so her and her husband decided it'd be better for both her body and they didn't want to take a chance to pass anything to their kids. It was a long road for them. They had an adoption fall through, which was heart breaking. The situation with Leana was truly heaven sent. It's crazy to think that a year ago Leah and Taylor didn't have any kids, and now they have 2 precious baby boys!!!

Thios is Leana. She is Sam and Max's birth mom. She is our angel:)

Leana shortly after having Max

Leah and Sam

Bekka and Jon:)

Matt, Rachael, and Max

DAY 2:)

Brad playing with Sam

Isn't he cute???

Leah and her new baby:)

Brad and I with our new nephew

Mom and Max

Leah and Taylor and their 2 beautiful babies:)


Kristie V said...

Oh he is so CUTE. He is tiny it makes me want to come and hold him. I always love all your pictures! Give your sister a big hug from me and tell her congrats!!